Technology: Jeff Haney hears the pitch for a new digital poker table that takes the cards, chips – and dealers – out of the game

“Kenny Rosenblatt recently placed his company’s automated digital poker table in the Hustler Casino, one of Southern California’s temples of poker.

His next goal entails extending the reach of his product to the poker rooms of the Las Vegas Strip.

“We’re planning an expansion into Las Vegas and Atlantic City in the next couple of years,” said Rosenblatt, chief executive of Arkadium Inc., a New York City-based game software company and co-creator of the “FastDeal” computerized poker table.

Arkadium officials plan to work “state by state” with gaming authorities to achieve their goal of putting as many as 1,000 of their automated tables in public cardrooms nationwide by 2010, Rosenblatt said.
The Hustler, Larry Flynt’s casino in Gardena, Calif., which remains home to traditional high-stakes poker games in addition to the FastDeal tables, represents an auspicious start for Arkadium, according to Rosenblatt.

FastDeal made its debut at the Hustler on May 17.”

Las Vegas Sun (08/08/07)

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