Event: The First Annual California Poker Players Conference To be Held at Hollywood Park

“The First Annual California Poker Players Conference — CPPC — will be held on Saturday, October 20, and Sunday, October 21 at the Hollywood Park Casino, Inglewood, California, in conjunction with the twelve-day National Championship of Poker Tournament. The theme for the two-day Conference is Gain a POSITIVE EXPECTATION! Learn to be a WINNING Poker player

According to Phyllis Caro, Director of Poker Operations at the Hollywood Park Casino: “Attendees will gain more solid information about winning poker during this two-day conference than they could ever hope for!” Helping to organize the event are Robert Turner, Poker Manager of the Normandie Casino, and George “The Engineer” Epstein, columnist for Poker Player newspaper, poker lecturer, and teacher of poker classes for senior citizens.

Poker players will have an opportunity to meet and hear presentations by some of the world’s leading experts. Mike Caro (the Mad Genius of Poker) will be the Keynote speaker and serve as moderator. And, he will share his special poker tips throughout the Conference.”

Woman’s Poker Player Magazine (08/27/07)

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